It’s only a matter of time till that KIND OF headline appears. We couldn’t get the people there in time, since we have cut back on manpower and the ‘Borders are safe’. But we got them anyway. It’s a good thing Eric Holder, and John Brennan established the star chamber process for killing some Americans they KNEW were a threat to other Americans.
When even a Joan Walsh is wondering, you have to KNOW something is REALLY REALLY OUT OF ORDER.When liberals ignore injustice
Last year Brown University’s Michael Tesler released a fascinating studyshowing that Americans inclined to racially blinkered views wound up opposing policies they would otherwise support, once they learned those policies were endorsed by President Obama. Their prejudice extended to the breed of the president’s dog, Bo: They were much more likely to say they liked Portuguese water dogs when told Ted Kennedy owned one than when they learned Obama did. But Tesler found that the Obama effect worked the opposite way, too: African-Americans and white liberals who supported Obama became more likely to support policies once they learned the president did. More than once I’ve worried that might carry over to bad policies that Obama has flirted with embracing, that liberals have traditionally opposed: raising the age for Medicare and Social Security or cutting those programs’ benefits. Or hawkish national security policies that liberals shrieked about when carried out by President Bush, from rendition to warrantless spying. Or even worse, policies that Bush stopped short of, like targeted assassination of U.S. citizens loyal to al-Qaida (or “affiliates”) who were (broadly) deemed (likely) to threaten the U.S. with (possible) violence (some day).
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