Let’s see… on the morning HAMAS blows up a bus in Tel Aviv, or was it Jerusalem, (does it matter, I mean jews were aboard, right?) and after a week or so of Israel bombing, rocketing, and otherwise trying to obliterate HAMAS’ Iranian smuggled Fajr-5’s as well as the rest of the stupid arsenal, and after 800 HAMAS rockets bombarding Israel this year, Bibi agreed to a US sponsored, Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood guaranteed mini truce which will last until it doesn’t.
HELLO? We have said nothing. Bibi has concluded a deal 70% of Israelis oppose.
Maybe for some room to act near Fordo and Qom. For the US, we gain NOTHING from this. All for nothing. Except Israelis can go back to work until next time, and Gazan families can go back to normal life with a missile launcher in the kids playroom.
Arab countries governed by man-made law cannot be considered Muslim because they do not implement Sharia even though their experience and religion have introduced Sharia to them (Zubaida 60). In this way, Qutb represents how both external nations and the internal state are Islam’s enemies because these nations/states live in a state of Jahiliyya, “ignorance,” and when applied to Western ideas “barbarism” (Brown 216). The societies who claim to be Muslim and do not follow Sharia law, Qutb labels infidels.This is the revolution which must be ‘protected’ and this is what the USA has acquiesced to for this truce.
Who is served?
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