For the heartburn alone that Wilders' appearance with Hannity undoubtedly caused the Saudi Dictatorship Family, a scion of whom infamously owns the second largest stake in Fox's parent company News Corp, the Hannity spot was worth it. As a Fox-watcher long horrified by the specter of Saudi-Islamic influence over many reputedly conservative flaghsip outlets -- Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post -- I have to congratulate Hannity, Fox's biggest brand, for inviting Wilders on the show. That said, what a deeply fallen state we in America are in when a leading political affairs show host has to be patted on the back for going against the Sharia-Powers that Be and inviting arguably the most remarkable man in politics in the world -- Geert Wilders -- on the air.Anybody who recognizes the dangers bin Talal can represent should also consider that he bought a stake in Twitter too. I sometimes find it both funny/sad how a lot of leftists see News Corp as a problem when bin Talal's involvement clearly suggests Murdoch isn't all that different from various other hardcore leftists. Especially if they happen to be British.
Wilders, as most readers know, is world-famous as a proponent of free speech and as an opponent of Islamization in the Netherlands and the wider West. The two go together. They must because Islam, in keeping with its kindred totalitarian systems Communism and Nazism, is all about the erasure of free speech. For this reason alone, a prince of sharia like Alwaleed bin Talal, nephew of the King of Sharia Arabia, headquarters of the OIC, should be barred from holding stock in US media companies. While protected by the First Amendment, the media companies can hardly help being compromised by a chilling effect.
Thus, Sean Hannity has to get a pat on the back for presenting even five minutes of Wilders' clarity and insights on the ongoing Islamization of the West to grossly under-served Fox viewers.
Hannity again was very bold to invite Wilders onto the stage to chat about this book, and does deserve some credit for it.
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