30 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Swing State BUYOFF? 1 million Ohioans with Obamaphones

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1 million Ohioans using free phone program

 Fees on phone bills pay for $1.5 billion national Lifeline program


A program that provides subsidized phone service to low-income individuals has nearly doubled in size in Ohio in the past year — now covering more than a million people. At the same time, federal officials say they’re reining in waste, fraud and abuse in the program. The Federal Communications Commission announced recently that reforms have saved $43 million since January and are expected to save $200 million by year’s end. In Ohio, savings are expected to be $2.9 million a year. The savings were realized in part because the government gave out fewer cellphones to ineligible people and took steps to avoid issuing duplicate phones. But the size of the program in the state — and profits to the increasing number of cellphone companies involved — has exploded in recent months, according to a Dayton Daily News analysis of program data. The program in Ohio cost $26.9 million in the first quarter of 2012, the most recent data available, versus $15.6 million in the same timeframe in 2011. Compared to the first quarter of 2011, the number of people in the program nearly doubled to more than a million. Growth could cost everyone who owns a phone. The program is funded through the “Universal Service Fund” charge on phone bills — usually a dollar or two per bill — and the amount of the fee is determined by the cost of this and other programs. A growth of $100 million in this program could result in an increased fee of a few cents on the average bill, according to officials from the agency that administers the program. The total cost of the program nationwide was $1.5 billion in 2011, up from $1.1 billion in 2010.
One cannot help but think of the buyoffs of congressmen and Senators, and states with exceptions and bribes for Obamacare. But there is something far more slimy about it when you just buy off voters with a tacit QUID PRO QUO
Advocates for the poor say this growth is to be expected; eligibility is dependent on having a low income or being in a program such as food stamps or heating assistance, and that population is ballooning, they say. “I am unable to have a cellphone and I need one for emergencies,” said Aliesa Azbill of Dayton, who is in a work training program at Community Action Partnership. She said the 250 free minutes she gets per month through SafeLink isn’t enough to use it for much more than emergencies.
I have a cell phone and no house phone yet manage to get along with LESS THAN 200 minutes a month usage, NO PROBLEM. Anyone else have feeling that there is a better way to achieve this result? Such as phones which ONLY dial 911?

The Thirty Bad Sharia Laws

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The shariah laws listed in Thirty Bad Shariah Laws – however culturally insensitive it may seem to hear – need to be rejected, because they are aggressive and oppressive, not peaceful or benign. These practices are themselves intolerant or fail to respect all humans with full dignity. They are extreme and thus deny life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Therefore, these harmful shariah laws are wrong. They (should) have expiration dates on them – back in the seventh century.

This list of shariah laws is intended to be read by judges, lawyers, legislators, city council members, educators, journalists, government bureaucrats, think tank fellows, TV and radio talk show hosts, and anyone else who occupies the “check points” in society; you initiate the national dialogue and shape the flow of the conversation in society.

You are the decision and policy makers. As intellectuals, you believe the critics of shariah exaggerate (and maybe some are guilty of it). They’re just “Islamophobes.” Ignore them. Islam is a worldwide religion, after all. It deserves respect. You are also thorough relativists who believe in tolerance for all religions, in all their parts.

At first glance, this is a commendable outlook. You like what Thomas Jefferson said, “But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my legs.” It is a true that beliefs that do not harm us monetarily or physically should be tolerated. Shariah has positive aspects to it – or, rather, they do no damage in those two ways. Therefore, parts of shariah should be tolerated in a religiously diverse society like America.

The Five Pillars are examples. They are part of shariah – divine Islamic law, which traces its origins ultimately back to the Quran (or Koran) and Muhammad’s example or life, the sacred traditions, which were eventually written down in the hadith. None of those five rituals and policies picks our pockets or breaks our legs, if the five are done privately or in the mosque.

Unfortunately, however, this list is not about the harmless parts in shariah, but the ones that are incompatible with the modern era. Even Thomas Jefferson had his limits. He sent the marines to take back captured American merchant sailors and to open up the trade routes that were hampered by the Muslim Barbary pirates in North Africa, who had sold the captives into slavery or demanded ransoms. Do the elites have any limits?

In some cases, a religion does indeed pick our pockets and break our legs. Each item in the list has one or more back-up articles. Readers should click on them to find out that the thirty points come right out of original Islam and are not invented out of thin air. Each back up also has a section on modern Islam, mentioning Muslims – too few – who advocate reform.

And if readers would like to see various translations of the Quran, they may go to the website quranbrowser.com and type in the references. If readers are in doubt about the meaning of a verse, they may go to the tafsir (commentary) written by Ibn Kathir (d. 1373), one of the most authoritative and highly regarded classical commentators in the Sunni world, at qtafsir.com; or the readers may search through the modern commentary by Sunni Indo-Pakistani religious scholar and politician Sayyid Abul A’la Maududi (d. 1979) at englishtafsir.com.
1. The mosque and state are not separate. To this day, Islamic nations that are deeply rooted in shariah, like Iran and SaudiArabia, do not adequately separate the two realms, giving a lot of power to courts and councils to ensure that legislation does not contradict the Quran (never mind whose interpretation). Most of the laws listed below come from this confusion. Back-up article: Mosque and State 
5. A woman captive of jihad may be forced to have to sex with her captors (now owners). Quran 4:24 and especially the sacred traditions and classical law allow this. The sacred traditions say that while out on military campaigns under Muhammad’s leadership, jihadists used to practice coitus interruptus with their female captives. Women soldiers fighting terrorists today must be forewarned of the danger.  
6. Property can be destroyed or confiscated during jihad. Quran 59:2 and 59:5 discuss those rules. Sacred traditions and classical law expand on the Quranic verses. Modern Islamic law officially improves on the Quran: see Article Three of the 1990 Cairo Declaration of Human Rights, which is nonetheless based on shariah, but it outlaws wanton destruction of property. Would there be any conflict between old Islam and modern Islam in a war today? Back-up articles: Jihad and Qital and The Quran and the Sword 
7. Jihad may be waged to collect spoils. Quran 8:1, 8:7, 8:41, and 48:20 show this clearly. Early Islam followed the old Arab custom of raiding caravans, but as its military grew, the raids were elevated to jihad. The spoils of war were coveted. Which Islam would prevail in a war today – the old oneor the modern one? 
8. A second-class submission tax, called the jizyah, must be imposed on Jews and Christians (and other religious minorities) living in Islamic countries. Quran 9:29 offers three options to Jews and Christians: (1) Fight and die; (2) convert to Islam; (3) or keep their religion, but pay a tribute or submission tax, the jizyah, while living under Islam. In Islamic history, vanquished Jews and Christians became known as dhimmis. This word appears in Quran 9:8 and 9:10, meaning a “treaty” or “oath,” but it can also mean those who are “condemned” “reviled” or “reproved” (Quran 17:18, 17:22; 68:49). The word “submission” in Quran 9:29 can also be translated as “humiliation,” “utterly humbled,” “contemptible” or “vile.” It can mean “small” as opposed to “great. Islamic nations today still seek to impose this second-class religion tax. Back-up articles: Jihad and Qital and The Quran and the Sword 
9. Slavery is allowed. It is true that freeing slaves was done in original Islam (Quran 5:89 and 24:33), and the Quran says to be kind to slaves (Quran 4:36), but that is not the entire story. In addition to those verses, Quran 4:24, 23:1-7; 33:52 allow the institution. Muhammad owned slaves, even one who was black (so says a sacred tradition). He was militarily and politically powerful during his later life in Medina, but he never abolished slavery as an institution. Officially, Islamic nations have outlawed slavery (Article 11, which is still based on shariah). That proves Islam can reform on at least one matter. Can it reform on the other shariah laws? And we are told that “no other nation or religious group in the world treated slaves better than the Muslims did.” The back-up article and next two items in this list contradict that claim. The legacy of slavery still runs deep in Islamic countries even today. 
10. A male owner may have sex with his slave-women, even prepubescent slave-girls. See Quran 4:24 and 23:1-7; but it is classical law that permits sex with prepubescent slave girls and describes them as such. Some Muslim religious leaders and others still advocate this practice, taking the slaves as concubines (though sex with prepubescent slave-girls is another matter).  
11. Slaves may be beaten. That’s what sacred traditions and classical laws say. See Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism, and Slavery  
12. Apostasy laws, including imprisonment or execution, may be imposed on anyone who leaves Islam (an apostate). Normally this is a prescribed punishment, but it is also political, since it is about freedom of religion. Surprisingly the Quran does not cover punishing apostates down here on earth, though in the afterlife they will be punished. Does this modern Islam can reform old Islam? Quran 4:88-89, 9:73-74, and 9:123, read in that sequence, might deal with earthly punishments. Mainly, however, the sacred traditions and classical law permit harsh treatment for anyone who leaves Islam. Islamic courts and laws still impose these punishments today, or religious scholarstoday argue for the law. 
13. Blasphemy laws, including imprisonment or execution, may be imposed on critics of Islam or Muhammad. These verses should be read in historical sequence, for they show that as Islam’s military power increased, the harsh treatment of mockers and critics also intensified, as follows: Quran 3:186, 33:57-61, 9:61-66, 9:73 and 9:123. Sacred traditions, classical laws, and historical Islam are unambiguous about the punishments, recording the people, often their names, who were assassinated for mocking Muhammad and the Quran. Islamic nations and pockets of Islam in non-Muslim countries still impose thesepunishments today. 
 18. Homosexuals may be imprisoned, flogged, or executed. Surprisingly, the Quran is not all that clear on this subject, but the traditions and classical laws are. Islamic nations to this day still impose those punishments, and religious leaders stillargue for harsh punishments. Back-up article: Homosexuality 
20. Adulterers may be stoned to death. The verse that says to stone adulterers to death went missing from the Quran, so says Umar, a companion of Muhammad and the second caliph (ruled 634-644). But he left no doubt that this penalty was done under Muhammad’s direction, and the sacred traditions and classical laws confirm it. But a few rules of evidence must be followed, like confession of the adulterer or four eyewitnesses. In some interpretations of the law, if a woman is raped, but cannot produce four just and pious men who witnessed it, then she is slandering the alleged rapist (or gang rapists) – never mind that the four just and pious eyewitnesses did nothing to stop it, but stood there and watched it. Some modern Islamic nations still do this, and religious and legal scholars argue for it.  
22. A woman inherits half what a man does. Quran 4:11 says it, and the hadith (traditions) and classical law confirm it. Modern Islamic nations still do this, and religious leaders still argue for it. Back-up article: Women’s Status and Roles 23. A woman’s testimony in a court of law counts half of a man’s testimony, since she might “forget.” Quran 2:282 says it in the context of business law. But the hadith (traditions) explains that women’s minds are deficient; classical law expands this curtailment to other areas than business. Modern Islamic nations still do this, and religious scholars still argue for it. 
24. A man may legally and irrevocably divorce his wife, outside of a court of law, by correctly pronouncing three times “you are divorced.” Quran 2:229 says this, and the traditions and classical law explain and confirm it. A judge in a modern Islamic country will ensure that the husband did not speak from a fit of irrational rage (anger is okay) or intoxication, for example. Then the court will validate the divorce, not daring to overturn it, since the Quran says so. Sometimes this homemade and irrevocable divorce produces a lot of regret in the coupleand manipulation from the husband in Islam today. 
25. A wife may remarry her ex-husband if and only if she marries another man, has sex with him, and then this second man divorces her. Quran 2:230 says this, and the traditions and classical law confirm it. Supposedly, this rule is designed to prevent easy divorce (see the previous point), but it produces a lot of pain, in Muslims today. 
26. Husbands may hit their wives. Quran 4:34 says it, and the traditions and classical law confirm it. There is a sequence of steps a husband follows before he can hit her, but not surprisingly this rule creates all sorts of abuse and confusion in Islamic society today.  
27. A man may be polygamous with up to four wives. Quran 4:3 (and 33:50-52) allow this, but only if a man can take care of them. The traditions and classical law confirm it. Modern Muslims still push for this old maritalarrangement even in the USA, and many Islamic nations still allow it. But someMuslims are fighting polygamy. The hadith (traditions) paints a picture of Muhammad’s household that was full of strife between the wives. 
28. A man may simply get rid of one of his “undesirable” wives. Quran 4:128 says this. The traditions say about the verse that the wife whom Muhammad wanted to get rid of was “huge” and “fat.” She gave up her turn to his favorite girl-bride Aisha. He kept the corpulent wife. There is heartbreak in Islam today. 
29. A mature man may marry a prepubescent girl. Quran 65:1-4, particularly verse 4, assumes, but does not command, the practice. The hadith says Aisha was six years old when she was engaged to Muhammad (he was in his fifties), and their marriage was consummated when she was nine. The hadith indicate she was prepubescent at nine. She never did bear him any children. Classical law says a father may give away his prepubescent daughter, but she also has a few rights. Officially many Islamic nations have raised the legal marriage age, but pockets in the Islamic world still follow this old custom. The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia okaysmarriage to ten-year-old girls. Work is still needed to be done for the rights of girl brides, particularly for their sexual health.

1979: Valerie Jarrett's Father Wrote Of Khalid al-Mansour's Funding of Black American Youth College Education

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Let me state right from the beginning, the reason this is important is not because there is something wrong with anyone funding education for Black Americans.

The reason it is important is because we have heard that Khalid al-Mansour had funded Obama's college education, though until now, there had been no corroborating evidence.

Here you go, Obama's college education was funded by Saudi money.

Shocking 1979 column by Valerie Jarrett's Father-in-law; not good for Obama

From Barrack Now:
This post should begin with a cast of characters because it's growing increasingly necessary when talking about the subject of Barack Obama's past. In this case, a man named Frank Miele at theDaily Inter Lake has unearthed an incredible find that could help close some loops, connect some dots, and put some pieces together. That find involves a 1979 column penned by Vernon Jarrett, the father-in-law of Barack Obama's closest advisor, Valerie Jarrett.

  • Frank Marshall Davis: Confirmed member of the Communist Party USA and writer. Worked in Chicago until he moved to Hawaii in 1946. Wrote for publication sympathetic to CPUSA known as the Chicago Defender. A heavy influence on Barack Obama's young life for several years.  CPUSA ID Number was 47544.
  • Vernon Jarrett: Began working at the Chicago Defender in 1946. Became a colleague of Davis and worked with him on at least one Communist cause in 1948.
  • Valerie Jarrett: Daughter in-law of Vernon and thought to be Barack Obama's closest and most trusted adviser. Born in Iran, where she lived until the age of five. Appears to have befriended the Obama family after hiring Michelle before the first lady married Barack.
  • Percy Sutton: Former attorney for Malcolm X who revealed during a television interview in 2008 that years earlier, he had been approached by a man named Khalid al-Mansour, a former Black Panther, and asked to use his influence to help get Barack Obama into Harvard. Sutton also divulged that al-Mansour represents one of the richest men in the world. This is believed to have been a reference to Saudi Prince al-Waleed bin Talal.
  • Khalid al-Mansour: Formerly a Black Panther who carried the name Donald Warren. Converted to Islam and found a lucrative career advising members of the Saudi Royal family, in particular Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. Videos of al-Mansour on YouTube indicate he is virulently anti-Semitic.
  • Prince Alwaleed bin Talal: Very wealthy Saudi Prince who has a strong business mind and extremely familiar with western culture. Second-largest shareholder of Newscorp., the parent company for Fox News. It is believed that his influence is responsible for Fox's overall weak coverage of radical Islamic individuals and groups.
Now, onto Miele's discovery. He writes about the discovery of Vernon Jarrett's 1979 column that appeared in the St. Petersburg Evening Independent. In the column, Jarrett quotes heavily from an interview he did with none other than Khalid al-Mansour. What were they talking about? Well, funneling Saudi money to black college students, of course:
So far as I know, this 1979 column has not previously been brought to light, but it certainly should be because it broke some very interesting news about the “rumored billions of dollars the oil-rich Arab nations are supposed to unload on American black leaders and minority institutions.” The columnist quoted a black San Francisco lawyer who said, “It’s not just a rumor. Aid will come from some of the Arab states.” 
Well, if anyone would know, it would have been this lawyer — Donald Warden, who had helped defend OPEC in an antitrust suit that year and had developed significant ties with the Saudi royal family since becoming a Muslim and taking the name Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour. 
Al-Mansour told Jarrett that he had presented the “proposed special aid program to OPEC Secretary-General Rene Ortiz” in September 1979, and that “the first indications of Arab help to American blacks may be announced in December.” Maybe so, but I looked high and wide in newspapers in 1979 and 1980 for any other stories about this aid package funded by OPEC and never found it verified. 
You would think that a program to spend “$20 million per year for 10 years to aid 10,000 minority students each year, including blacks, Arabs, Hispanics, Asians and native Americans” would be referred to somewhere other than one obscure 1979 column, but I haven’t found any other word of it.
Of course, what this means is that if Khalid al-Mansour, Percy Sutton, and Vernon Jarrett are all to be taken at their word, their accounts - which span over nearly 30 years - all make sense when taken together.

The other thing it would mean is that Barack Obama is beholden to Saudi money in a very personal and substantial way. It will have meant the Saudis put him in the White House and such a deal doesn't come without steep payment.

The words of al-Mansour and Jarrett in 1979 - coupled with the words of Sutton in 2008 - also suggest that if a man so beholden to the Saudis ever became president, we might see the rise of fundamentalist Islam all over the Middle East and an administration hostile toward Israel.

Here is that Percy Sutton interview from 2008, in which he talks about having been contacted by Khalid al-Mansour circa 1988, only 9 years after al-Mansour told Vernon Jarrett about just such a plan:

"A majority of Americans now define success as not falling behind”

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Obama’s American dream Obama’s version of social and economic justice Obama, spreading it around Obama’s fair shot National Journal:

Struggling To Advance

A majority of Americans now define success as not falling behind. They worry that fundamental changes in the economy are making it more difficult for them—and their children—to get ahead.

The road still rises. But the climb is steeper, and the falls are more frequent. That’s the view of prospects for upward mobility in the modern American economy that emerges from the latest Allstate/National JournalHeartland Monitor Poll. Although an overwhelming majority of Americans still define the U.S. as “the land of opportunity,” nearly as many agree that getting ahead is more difficult for workers today than it was for previous generations. Only about one in five Americans say they have been able to get ahead consistently in their lives; many more say they have moved forward somewhat but faced intermittent reversals. And while a plurality of adults believe they have more opportunity to advance than their parents did, Americans are much more uncertain that the next generation will have greater opportunities than their own—with whites far more pessimistic than minorities. Infographic In all these ways, the survey captures systemic strain between the bedrock American belief that anyone who works hard enough can succeed and the uneasy sense that persistent, and perplexing, headwinds in a globalized economy are making it harder for workers to get ahead. It suggests that new realities are compelling the public to reexamine old assumptions about achievement from several angles, including the value of a college education and the definition of success. In one striking finding that reflects the years of economic uncertainty punctuated by high unemployment and foreclosure rates, a slim majority of Americans now say they define getting ahead as not falling behind—not losing ground or falling into debt—rather than the more traditional definition of enjoying steady increases in pay and income. “The global economy has changed so much that I think holding on is going to be the reality in the future,” says Vada Martin, a service-sector worker from Bedford, Pa., who responded to the survey. “There is so much competition [in the world], it’s going to be harder to maintain the lifestyle we’ve been accustomed to.”
Take the time and read the damn article The money lines:
Amid these profound concerns, more-immediate assessments of the economy’s trajectory show little change from the most recent Heartland Monitor Poll conducted in May. Compared to then, the share of Americans who say that the country is on the right track has ticked up only slightly, while the percentage who believe that their personal financial situation will improve over the next year remains virtually unchanged, and the number who believe that the overall economy will brighten has actually declined slightly. Even so, the survey shows President Obama opening a solid 50 percent to 43 percent advantage over Republican nominee Mitt Romney among likely voters, in part because significantly more voters believe Obama will advance policies that benefit all Americans. What’s clear in the poll, though, is that many Americans feel the economy is experiencing fundamental changes beyond the reach of any president to reshape quickly, or perhaps at all. 

Americans feel this way because leaders, and I include Mr. Clinton, whose ‘not even me’ is a message of dispiriting disappointment, HAVE FAILED TO LEAD.

There are only two questions to answer to lead effectively. What do we have to do? How do we do it? Obama will win by breaking Americans belief in the American ideal. His success is our failure.


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It seems like quite a promotion, but it seems like they ought to now be considered the Mainstream Media Chiefs now.

Es una promotion grande, pero estes gentes a los Univision ahora son los jefes de las MSM.

I'm going to be motivated to really, truly learn Spanish after this.

Tengo fuerza apprender Espanol, antes estes cosas.

I don't know if I got that right, but at least I tried.

From Townhall:

Fast and Furious: Univision Brings a Face to Countless Murdered Victims in Mexico

The stories often lost in the horrific aftermath of Operation Fast and Furious are about the countless and faceless murder victims in Mexico left behind as a result of the lethal program. In September 2011, Townhall reported the Fast and Furious death toll in Mexico as 200, that number has since jumped to what former Chihuahua Attorney General Patricia Gonzales Rodriguez describes as "surely thousands." Tonight, Spanish language television network Univision is expected to air a bombshell investigative report finally putting a face on innocent Mexican citizens used as collateral damage and killed south of the border as a result of the reckless decisions by the Holder Justice Department.
Who are the human faces of the U.S. government's botched "Fast and Furious" gun-walking operation?
Often lost amid the rancor in Washington are the stories of dozens of people killed by guns that flowed south as part of the undercover operation, and later slipped out of view from U.S. officials. Univision's Investigative Unit (Univision Investiga) has identified massacres committed using guns from the ATF operation, including the killing of 16 young people attending a party in a residential area of Ciudad Juárez in January of 2010. Additional guns, previously unreported by congressional investigators, found their way into the hands of drug traffickers across Latin America in countries such as, Honduras and Colombia, as well as the U.S. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. A person familiar with the recent congressional hearings called Univision's findings "the holy grail" that Congress had been searching for.
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One of the most famous murders carried out with Fast and Furious weapons in Mexico was the killing of Mario Gonzales Rodriguez, the brother of Patricia Gonzales Rodriguez. The blood soaked crime scenes are endless.
Fast and Furious guns have befouled at least 200 crime scenes. Among them: Members of the La Familia drug gang fired at a Mexican Federal Police helicopter on May 24, 2011, wounding three officers and forcing it to make an emergency landing near Michoacán in western Mexico. Five days later, four more helicopters attacked La Familia. The gang returned fire, striking all four choppers and injuring another two government agents. The police prevailed, killing eleven cartel members and arresting 36 — including those suspected of targeting the first chopper and its passengers. Mexican authorities say La Familia possessed heavy-duty body armor and 70 rifles, including several Fast and Furious weapons. Two weapons purchased by Fast and Furious targets were recovered in Sonora on July 1, 2010, and tied to a “Homicide/Willful Kill — Gun,” the U.S. Justice Department revealed last September 9. Two Fast and Furious guns were linked to a February 2010 assassination conspiracy against Baja California’s then–police chief, Julian Leyzaola. Four Fast and Furious guns were found on January 8, 2010, and connected to a “kidnap/ransom.”
Attorney General Eric Holder hasn't admitted much throughout the process of the Congressional Oversight Committee investigation into the scandal, but he has admitted people will die for years to come as a result of the program.

In an interview with the Christian Science Monitor, Univision points out that ATF needed people to get killed in order to reach their goals.
“Americans have been getting a lot of information about the possible cover-up in the Justice Department, the tragedy of Brian Terry getting killed, but what about the Mexicans?” says Miami-based Gerardo Reyes, Univision’s director of investigative reporting, in an interview Saturday with the Monitor. “The sinister part of this, and I know it sounds very hard, is that the success of this operation depended in part on the fact that the guns were used in Mexico to kill,” says Mr. Reyes. “In order to reach the target of the operation, which was identifying the drug traffickers who were using the guns, [ATF agents] were waiting for the guns to be used. And how are guns used in Mexico? Killing people. I talked to an ATF agent who said there was no other way to explain it.”

The report by Univision couldn't come at a worse time for the Obama administration. If the issues of transparency and Mexico come up (which they will) in the presidential debates between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama starting next week, Obama will have some serious explaining to do. The trust with Mexico has been severely damaged as a result of this program and Univision's report tonight will further show this to be true.
Univision reporter Jorge Ramos asked President Obama last week why he hadn't fired Attorney General Eric Holder, Obama responded by saying he had full faith in confidence in his attorney general even after Fast and Furious. Obama was also caught lying about the program in an effort to distract away from its lethal consequences and effect on the Hispanic community.
The special will air Sunday night at 7 p.m. ET on Univision.

29 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

What cult of personality?

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The incredible viral video of that moron-ette bragging about her Obamafone got me thinking and looking around…. THIS IS NOT A SATIRE

The Obama Phone Program

What exactly is the free Obama phone? The free Obama phone is a program that is meant to help the financially unstable who cannot afford access to a cell phone. Communication should not be limited to people in relation to what they are able to afford. The Lifeline program was actually created decades ago to help low income families have access to land lines. Over the years the cost of cell phones and cellular service has decreased and the program has been extended to cover cell phones. During the Bush administration, there was the introduction of a project that gave subsidies to those who could not afford a phone. The basic principle of the program is that everyone should have access to emergency services like 911. There are a number of deaths that take place every year do to lack of proper communication, and access to emergency services should be a right for everyone. The free Obama phone is an important program, especially for low income families that would otherwise not have access to basic communications. There are different plans to choose from. Some plans offer fewer minutes and more texting and some even include rollover minutes. Make sure you check out all the plans before choosing the one that is right for you.

Get Started Now

Click Here to learn how to qualify. If you have further questions about the Obama Phone, visit our Obama Phone FAQ.

Welcome to Mississippi in 1955? Christians ‘flee Egypt town after death threats’

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AFP - Several Christian families have fled their homes in Egypt’s Sinai peninsula after receiving death threats from suspected Islamist militants, officials and residents told AFP on Friday. Last week, flyers began circulating in the town of Rafah on the Gaza Strip border demanding that its tiny Coptic population move out, residents said. Officials at the local church informed the authorities of the threats, but no actin was taken, they added. Days later, a shop belonging to one of the families was fired on with automatic rifles, witnesses said.
Flyers?  Flyers? Really? Hi, We’d like to introduce ourselves,. We’re the international wing of the KKK„ and this time, you frickin’ CHRISTIAN ARE IT What about all this WAS NOT PERFECTLY PREDICTABLE. And by the way, Americans, WE ARE PAYING FOR THIS. WE ARE PAYING TO KICK CHRISTIANS OUT OF THE SINAI? The first breezes of a Huntington Hurricane of ignorant intolerance.

And just like that Romney is handed his Foreign Affairs Issue

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Yesterday I posted a story in which Christians fled the Sinai after being threatened, and having their places of business fired upon, ‘Mississippi 1955 style’. The local churches alerted authorities after the threats had been received ..and they did nothing.  After the people had been fired on .... they did nothing. Why? Because it would be better for all if people of the book were not around, so we’ll just sort of not enforce those secular laws because they kinda sorta void the Quran’s clear intention (certainly as far as the Arabian peninsula, but hey we’re just across the Red Sea, which is pretty narrow). Now the USA sends $1.3 billion a year to support not enforcing those secular laws (ipso facto, intent just doesn’t count) Next up, a $450 million cash advance. Now. right away. NYT:

U.S. Move to Give Egypt $450 Million in Aid Meets Resistance

The Obama administration notified Congress on Friday that it would provide Egypt’s new government an emergency cash infusion of $450 million, but the aid immediately encountered resistance from a prominent lawmaker wary of foreign aid and Egypt’s new course under the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood.
The United States Agency for International Development notified Congress of the cash infusion on Friday morning during the pre-election recess, promptly igniting a smoldering debate over foreign aid and the administration’s handling of crises in the Islamic world. An influential Republican lawmaker, Representative Kay Granger of Texas, immediately announced that she would use her position as chairwoman of the House appropriations subcommittee overseeing foreign aid to block the distribution of the money. She said the American relationship with Egypt “has never been under more scrutiny” than it is in the wake of the election of President Mohamed Morsi, a former leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. “I am not convinced of the urgent need for this assistance and I cannot support it at this time,” Ms. Granger said in a statement that her office issued even before the administration announced the package.
We all know President Muslim Brotherhood Morsi has just told the USA it’s up to us to make it all better with his people. This statement is the ICON for the behavior, plans and inner core of Mr. Obama and this admin.  Well, Gallup found just before the movie trailer manufactured stupidity … So, Obama hasn’t changed views of the USA. And the Arab spring CONFIRMS that given free rein, the people LIBYA EXCEPTED, hate our guts. Why would we send american dollars, recession or not, to a set of peoples who are inimical to ALL THAT WE DO, and all that we stand for (like …. oh I don’t know, FREEDOM OF SPEECH?) Mitt are you paying attention, here?

The policy of this administration, in the Arab Spring is part and parcel of them ALL setting the stage for America’s reduced role because they ALL BELIEVE IN THEIR BONES not only are we (which is to say that ‘flawed’ founding document)  no better or different than any other people or nation, but we are BAD FOR EARTH, and must be made to feel and act that way.

The Arab/Muslim peoples THERE don’t like us, find our freedoms repulsive and blasphemous, dislike other beliefs among them, have DEMONSTRATED they will not protect minorities, hate our allies, and in Egypt their sole value to the USA (actually to our ally, not us) is to uphold a peace treaty which they have ALREADY factually violated (by keeping their army in the Sinai after ‘temporary’ action against terrorists … you know, the guys who attacked and chased the christians out). Sequester the money and let it wither. MITT, pound this as a lack of strategic vision by this admin. Pound the Pakistani Govt for keeping the minister who called for the murder of the idiotic playwright, and ours for saying nothing to that ‘ally’. Pound them over and over using CHAMBERLAIN. Let the MSM report on how TERRIBLE you are for doing this repeatedly. The administration has failed at EVERYTHING except killing Osama. Get you lists out and pound them items home. Two messages only…
  1. “I am a turnaround specialist and I know how to turn this nation around, Obama has FAILED in four years to make any real dent”
  2. “The foreign policies of this administration do not reflect the practical needs of the nation only their own wishful thinking about how others want to live”

Pamela Geller on the MTA's Support of Sharia-Like Decision To Make Us All Bow To Savages

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The Savage Mona Elathawy would  behead your Freedom of Speech
I would suggest donating money to Pamela's organization

Pamela on MTA's outlandish decision to attempt to insert Sharia/blasphemy law into their

Let me make this perfectly clear. I will never sacrifice my freedom so as not to offend savages. And neither should any other American. The MTA may have injected an ambigous, unconstitutional, and thoroughly reckless revision into their ad policy in order to appease a lawless mob, but it will not stand. And where were these same gutless cowards protesting against fascists and enemedia tools when the anti-Israel ads were running? Their ugly anti-semitic bias is painfully obvious.
"Since 1838, there have been only a handful of blasphemy prosecutions in the United States, and a broad consensus has emerged that Jefferson and Adams had it right. In 1952, the Supreme Court of the United States finally put the matter to rest in Burstyn v. Wilson, holding in a unanimous decision that "it is not the business of government in our nation to suppress real or imagined attacks upon a particular religious doctrine" or to protect "any or all religions from views which are distasteful to them." The First Amendment, the Court declared, renders any such government action unconstitutional. Religions and religious figures, like political parties, politicians, businessmen, and other members of society are fair game for criticism, condemnation and even mockery." [...]

"Apply this to the current situation, and the implications are obvious. If we punish American citizens for engaging in otherwise constitutionally protected speech in order to prevent foreign terrorists from engaging in violent acts, then we cede to those very terrorists the meaning of the First Amendment. That doesn't sound very promising, does it?"

Geoffrey R. Stone

Geoffrey R. Stone is the Edward H. Levi Distinguished Service Professor of Law at the University of Chicago. From 1987 to 1994 he served as Dean of the University of Chicago Law School and from 1994 to 2002 he served as Provost of the University of Chicago. He is currently Chair of the Board of the American Constitution Society. (thanks to FS)
Here is the bottom line. Whatever capitulation the MTA is hoping to make to the sharia, the fact is that our ads are running, and based on this new ruling, I intend to expand and increase my New York buy.
Go read the whole thing.
Please donate via Paypal to or tax-deductible to director@jihadwatch.org. We don’t get salaries and we don’t have a staff. Your contribution will go entirely to our work for freedom. And for that, may God bless you. Mailing address:
1040 1st Avenue
BOX 121
NY NY 10022



If we are deemed to be wrong for offending Muslim Savages,



Also, Epaminondas points out that Mona Elathawy is clearly not a Sharia-advocating Jihadist Radical.

I agree.

Elathawy, like Huma Abedin and some other new-fangled Islamists, is a Feminist,



People like Mona Elathawy, Huma Abedin, Imam Rauf, and Tariq Ramadan, are all the more dangerous, because of their ability/natural tendency to couch their Islamism in the trappings of Modern Society's obsession with the Victim Group-chic version of "Human Rights."

But, if Human Rights does not include the right to criticize the powerful institutions of our society (Government, Corporations, Religion, the Media, and Academia) then we are throwing Free Speech out the window.

No Human Right-based society can continue to exist without it's first principle being Freedom of Expression/Conscience.

Epa says: Actually I've read Elthaway's stuff for years. She wrote for Al Sharq al Awsat and was WAY OUT THERE for Egyptian ladies. She is ANYTHING but savage, or radical.
She is secular to the extreme ... FOR EGYPTIANS
Therefore that is the lesson.

The most secular revolutionary in Egypt, who could not even live safely there, does not understand the NECESSITIES and DEMANDS of freedom of speech.

What does this say about administration foreign policy?


Pastorius saysEpa, 
Yes, you are right. But, if we were to follow Elathawy's prescription, we would wind up with a savage culture, just like the Sharia shithole from which she emanated.

She may be comparatively open-minded, but she is proving herself to be a friend of the Dark Age at a "perilous time."

For the record, I imagine Epaminondas would agree with everything I say above about Elathawy,


I feel I need to clarify because I believe his point is valid and will be a common objection to those of us who are vehemently critical of this psycho-bitch from the land of Allah.

The News Today

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Dark Times, Indeed.

 Will the FBI Ever Reach Benghazi? 18 Days After Attack US Is Still Not at Terror Scene

Chubby Dictator Kim Jong Un Visits the Gym (Video)

Obama Administration Backtracks – Finally Admits Benghazi Strike Was “Deliberate and Organized”

Obama to Spend $300 Million on Construction Projects… For Palestinians

Obama Gives Egypt $450 Million 2 Weeks After Protesters Storm US Embassy

Islamists Destroy Another Ancient Sufi Shrine in Mali

THOUSANDS of Anti-US Islamists March in Karachi Chanting “Death to America”

28 Eylül 2012 Cuma

Who is (or isn't) Counted as Unemployed?

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This little 2 minute video does a good job in explaining how the Bureau of Labor Statistics measures who is Unemployed, who is not in labor market, who is marginally in the labor market and who is working part time for economic reasons.

Only people who are "Unemployed" are counted in the (10%) unemployment rate. The other 3 categories may or may not be included in the U-6 Broader measurement of unemployment (~17%). The video pokes fun that the government would rather have the public and media focus on the smaller number in order to keep optimism high.

What's the Maximum Weekly Unemployment Benefit?

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If you're recently unemployed, you may be wondering what the maximum weekly amount of money that you may be getting from the government. Fortunately, MSN Money published a comparison of how much your UI benefits could be... Note: The amount you get depends on the state in which you worked, not the state that you may move to during your jobless time.

Maximum Weekly Unemployment Benefit By State
  1. Alabama - $255
  2. Alaska - $370
  3. Arizona - $240
  4. Arkansas - $409
  5. California - $450
  6. Colorado - $475
  7. Connecticut - $519
  8. Delaware - $330
  9. District of Columbia (Washington DC) - $359
  10. Florida - $275
  11. Georgia - $330
  12. Hawaii - $545
  13. Idaho - $362
  14. Illinois - $385
  15. Indiana - $390
  16. Iowa - $443
  17. Kansas - $423
  18. Kentucky - $415
  19. Louisiana - $284
  20. Maine - $496
  21. Maryland - $380
  22. Massachusetts - $628
  23. Michigan - $365
  24. Minnesota - $566
  25. Mississippi - $230
  26. Missouri - $320
  27. Montana - $407
  28. Nebraska - $308
  29. Nevada - $362
  30. New Hampshire - $427
  31. New Jersey $584
  32. New Mexico - $455
  33. New York - $405
  34. North Carolina - $494
  35. North Dakota - $385
  36. Ohio - $372
  37. Oklahoma - $392
  38. Oregon - $482
  39. Pennsylvania - $539
  40. Rhode Island - $528
  41. South Carolina - $326
  42. South Dakota - $285
  43. Tennessee - $275
  44. Texas - $378
  45. Utah - $444
  46. Vermont - $409
  47. Virgina - $378
  48. Washington - $541
  49. West Virginia - $424
  50. Wisconsin - $363
  51. Wyoming - $387
The amount of money received during Tier 2 and Tier 3 payouts are the same as what is received during the first phase of unemployment. The numbers above do not include the extra $25/week that Obama approved, so your checks may actually be slightly higher, as long as the stimulus plan is still in affect.

California's UI Fund To Run Huge Deficits

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Click on Chart for a Larger Image

How bad are things in the state of California?

Well according to an Unemployment Insurance (UI) Fund forecast issued by California's Employment Development Department (EDD), the fund which is currently about $8 billion underfunded will be over $27 billion in the red by 2011!

That's almost $1,000 for every man, woman and child in the state of California---Or almost $2,000 for every worker in the state---It will likely be many many years before CA is able to dig out of this hole.

Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi's US Economist on the Unemployment Picture

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On February 5th, Bloomberg interviewed Ellen Zentner, Senior US economist at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd. to discuss the January unemployment rate and the outlook for the US Labor Market.

Ellen's views include:
  • "the labor market is definitely improving, we got a bigger downward revision to payroll data, leading up to today... No we lost 8.4 million jobs vs over 7 million... And this contraction in jobs correlates more to the decline in consumer spending."
  • In january's report the comments are suspicious because jobs aren't being created, yet the unemployment rate drops. Looking at labor force participation, you see that household employment has increased. But you also need to know how many people dropped out of the labor market all together.
  • We have record numbers of discouraged workers and many of them are permanently lost---but thousands will come back into the labor market.
  • The data is showing some job gains in some areas---but it isn't happening in all sectors of the economy. January saw the first increase in manufacturing jobs in over 3 years.
  • Forward looking indicators show that part-time and contract jobs should improve in the next few months---This isn't as good as landing higher paying full time jobs.
  • The labor market will wadddle along for a little bit, because you have create jobs for the previously displaced and the teenagers that are becoming working aged adults---this isn't going to happen for some time.

What's the employment situation?

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According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Nonfarm payroll employment edged down (-95,000) in September, and the unemployment rate was unchanged at 9.6 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Government employment declined (-159,000), reflecting both a drop in the number of temporary jobs for Census 2010 and job losses in local government.

Household Survey Data
The number of unemployed persons, at 14.8 million, was essentially unchanged in September, and the unemployment rate held at 9.6 percent. (See table A-1.)
Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rate for adult men (9.8 percent), adult women (8.0 percent), teenagers (26.0 percent), whites (8.7 percent), blacks (16.1 percent), and Hispanics (12.4 percent) showed little or no change in September. The jobless rate for Asians was 6.4 percent, not seasonally
adjusted. (See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.)

The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks and over), at 6.1 million, was little changed over the month but was down by 640,000 since a series high of 6.8 million in May. In September, 1.7 percent of unemployed persons had been jobless for 27 weeks or more. (See table A-12.) In September, both the civilian labor force participation rate, at 64.7 percent, and the employmentpopulation
ratio, at 58.5 percent, were unchanged. (See table A-1.) The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as involuntary
part-time workers) rose by 612,000 over the month to 9.5 million.

Over the past 2 months, the number of such workers has increased by 943,000. These individuals were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job. (See table A-8.) About 2.5 million persons were marginally attached to the labor force in September, up from 2.2 million a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.) These individuals were not in the labor force, wanted and were available for work, and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months.

They were not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey. (See table A-16.)

Among the marginally attached, there were 1.2 million discouraged workers in September, an increase of 503,000 from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.) Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them. The remaining 1.3
million persons marginally attached to the labor force had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey for reasons such as school attendance or family responsibilities.

27 Eylül 2012 Perşembe

The Concept of "Slander" In Islam

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From Will at The Other News:

The Reliance of the Traveller (or ‘Umdat al-Salik’) maintains that slander (ghiba) includes the mention of anything concerning a person [i.e., a Muslim] “that he would dislike.” This discussion also cites a canonical hadith which contains the following account:

“Do you know what slander is?” They answered, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He said, “It is to mention of your brother that which he would dislike.” Someone asked, “What if he is as I say?” And he replied, “If he is as you say, you have slandered him, and if not, you have calumniated him.”

Walid Shoebat Says, "Innocence of Muslims Film was Made by Terrorists."

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So who funded the film? Nakoula claimed that he produced the film with money ($50,000 to $60,000) that came from his wife’s family in Egypt. None of this has been proven. What has been proven is that he embezzled millions with Eiad. The money must have come from these scandalous operations, which our government finally admitted is linked to terrorist activity. Whoever made this film claimed Jews funded him and that he was a Copt, and obviously intended to do harm to his real enemies—Israel and the Copts.

From Will at The Other News:
By Walid Shoebat.
There is more to the story of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula than what we are told by the media. Court documents revealthat Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, producer of the movie Innocence of Muslims, partnered in a scheme with Eiad Salameh, my first cousin, a Palestinian Muslim from Beit Sahour in the Palestinian district of Bethlehem.  
To prove my claim, I revealed Eiad Salameh long before this whole fiasco erupted—in2008 and the first real reportage of Eiad and Nakoula was revealed on September 14th, 2012. 
Now do I have your attention? 
The narrative that circulates the media fails to answer crucial questions behind the mystery of this film. For example, to date, no one has stepped forward or can confirm for certain that whoever holds an identity by the name of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is that man’s true identity.  
In the Middle East, if a man by the name of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula indeed exists while being blamed for creating a mess of international proportions—which included the anger of over one billion Muslims—it would not be that difficult to find the entire family in Egypt, including brothers, cousins, aunts, siblings wife, wives, ex-wives, mistresses, pets and all.  
In the Middle East, no one can hide. Egypt is where the demonstrations that have taken place all over the Middle East and Asia were sparked. Yet, it cannot produce this man’s background? 
Besides, why would Nakoula, who claims to be a religious Coptic activist, have extensive connections with Eiad? My cousin hated Copts with a passion and is well-known in the Middle East as a master schemer, probably one of the best the Middle East has produced. He also has multiple contacts with terror networks.  
Eiad is from Beit Sahour, Bethlehem. He is a dubious individual who was well known in the Arab community as the main contact for obtaining authentic, legitimate identifications from passports to credit cards, under many nationalities. He then places these identifications into the hands of dubious characters whose names are not the names written on the passports.  
Eiad is a Muslim terror supporter and is not an Egyptian Copt. Both my cousin Eiad and whoever this man is who pretends to be Nakoula, had multiple, fraudulent identifications and the two connected for a decade in multiple scheming operations—the type that usually links to terrorism.

Read the full story here.

From the Daily Mail:

Californian behind Mohammed movie that has Middle East in flames is a meth-making federal informer... and the director made soft porn films

  • Jailed for bank fraud in 2009
  • Charged with intent to make methamphetamine in 1997
  • Film prompted protests across Egypt and Libya that led to four U.S. deaths 
  • Producer claimed he was an Israeli Jew living in California named Sam Bacile but there is no record of that being a real name
  • Man named Nakoula Basseley Nakoula found at address where phone number was listed - but denied he was Bacile
  • Nakoula was jailed for fraud convictions and has used multiple aliases
  • Director Alan Roberts has background in making soft porn movies
  • Cast and crew distanced themselves from film saying they were 'misled'

The California man who produced the anti-Islam video that has caused outrage across the Middle East is a federal informant who avoided spending longer in jail by telling investigators about an elaborate bank fraud scheme he was involved in.
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula opened a string of bank accounts under assumed names, transferring money between them with bogus cheques and withdrawing cash before they bounced. 
He was jailed for 21 months for the scheme after being caught by the FBI in 2009. The sentence was a year less than the punishment sought by prosecutors, and was handed down after Nakoulou gave investigators information about the ring leader of the $800,000 scam, according to the Smoking Gun.
It has also been revealed that Alan Roberts, the film's director, is an experienced editor who has directed a number of low-budget soft porn movies
The father-of-three explained how Eiad Salameh, a notorious fraudster on the run from authorities for more than a decade ran the scheme and recruited Nakoula as a 'runner'.